Monday, October 6, 2008

"coffee and cologne"

"coffee and cologne"

coffee and cologne
you and me
flesh and bone
with craving
quench of thirst and tongue
while from the sky
dark clouds hung

$2.10 he said
will buy you drink
but quench your soul
i do not think
for what you seek
you can not buy
sweet touch of lip
and gaze of eye

Tangled hearts
fingers entwined
and for that tiny moment
you were mine.

(unfinished) first draft
© Jessica Stoker / 2008

Sunday, October 5, 2008


So since I've cancelled my myspace page......I've been feeling the need to write, blog, annoy people with things they probably don't really care about. It's just good for my mental health to get things out. So.........welcome to my blog! Read at your own risk....I am human and surprisingly I write like one :O . i am NOT perfect, I have a bit of a temper (blame it on the Irish blood), things annoy me, simple things make me happy.
I live to create, love, experience, question, challenge and grow.

I am my own worst enemy.

If you do not like the things I write.....then don't read, OR DO and annoy or amuze yourself at my expense.

enjoy & slainte'